Refund Policy

Given below are our refund policies for different categories of adventure.

  1. Refund Policy for Trekking/Climbing
  2. Refund Policy for Sightseeing Tours
  3. Tour Amendments/Change Policy

Refund Policy For Trekking/Climbing

Cancellation by Participant/Client

No refund, if a client cancels, as this policy will protect members who have committed their time and money for the tour. It is advised to take out third-party travel cancellation insurance if you wish to be covered. Balance or full payment must be made 60 days before the tour starting date. The following cancellation charges will apply in case of cancellation after the full payment.

  • Initial Deposits are non-refundable. No Cash Back.
  • Deposits are not transferable to another person (s).
  • Cancellations made 45 days prior to the departure date, will incur a loss of 30 percent of the total trip cost.
  • Cancellations made 30 days prior to the departure date will incur a loss of 50 percent of the total trip cost.
  • Cancellations made 20 days prior to the departure date, will incur a loss of 75 percent of the total trip cost.
  • Cancellations made 10 days or less to the departure date will incur a loss of 100 percent of the trip cost.
  • Deposit may be considered for transfer to later date or holiday depending on the following conditions:


If and when, Na Travels has already incurred any costs for our guest, then it is not possible to recover that money. For examples domestic flight tickets and permit fees. The permit fee (which has increased this year) is non-refundable and also, the domestic flight tickets are only partially refundable. If you timely request us (via email) for a delay/change in your trip, we will not include you in our permit and will not purchase flight tickets. We purchase flight tickets and also apply for permits between February & March depending on the departures and status (full) of the departures. Domestic flight seats to the Karakorams and Himalayas are sold out way ahead of time because there are only two daily flights during peak season. Among other things including permits, the deposit is used to book domestic flights for you in advance.
Note: All requests for changes in date or holidays must be made via email and be received in our office within the periods stated above.
Note: All refund requests must be made in writing (email or letter) and be received in our office within the periods stated above.
Note: We recommend “Global Rescue” insurance company due to their satisfactory conduct with our clients in the past. 

Cancellation by Na Travels

If the required/minimum participants are not onboard for the non-guaranteed departures/holidays by April 30 (mentioned date), deposits will be returned within 7 days (after deduction of transfer fees). Assistance and support will also be provided for a merger with other parties at the same price and services.

Refund Policy For Sightseeing Tours

Cancellation by Participant/Client

In case of cancellation of your tour/adventure due to any reason (Personal, weather conditions, flight cancellation, disasters, etc.), the advance/partial/full payments are refundable after subtracting the following:

  1. Expenses caused due to payments for advance bookings/reservations to hotels and opportunity cost of booked/reserved vehicles. Advance payments for most hotels & vehicles are non-refundable & non-transferrable.
  2. Service charges up-to 15% on the total payment or up-to 25% on the received tour payment. A fair service charge is applied on cancellation based on the time and effort put into planning the tour and organizing the logistics, not to mention the opportunity cost of the tour planner. The service charge will not apply to payments received for domestic airfare/tickets.

Tour Amendments/Change Policy

Change(s) in itinerary after advance payment

Extra charges will apply to any changes made by our guest(s) after making their advance payments. This includes (but is not limited to) increasing/decreasing the number of days, adding/removing destinations or attractions or services, etc. Invoice for extra costs will be billed by the company at the earliest as part of the policy. Payments should be organized at the earliest by our guest(s).

Change(s) in itinerary during tours

Extra charges will apply to any changes made by our guest(s) while the tour is ongoing. This includes (but is not limited to) increasing/decreasing the number of days, adding/subtracting destinations or attractions or services, etc. Invoice for extra costs will be billed by the company at the earliest as part of the policy. Payments should be organized at the earliest by our guest(s).

Change(s) in accommodation after advance payments

Extra charges will apply to any changes made by our guest(s) after making their advance payments. This includes (but is not limited to) changing reservation dates, hotels, increasing/decreasing the number of nights, number of rooms, room category, etc. Invoice for extra costs will be billed by the company at the earliest as part of the policy. Payments should be organized at the earliest by our guest(s).

Change(s) in accommodation during tours

Extra charges will apply to any changes made by our guest(s) while the tour is ongoing. This includes (but is not limited to) changing reservation dates, hotels, increasing/decreasing the number of nights, number of rooms, room category, etc. Invoice for extra costs will be billed by the company at the earliest as part of the policy. Payments should be organized at the earliest by our guest(s).

Tour Dates (Delays/ Postponements)

In case of delaying/postponing of your tour due to any reason (personal, weather conditions, flight cancellation, disaster, etc.) to a later date, month or year, the received payments (advance or full) will be safe with Na Travels. In this case, a new quotation should be requested on a later date and Na Travels must be contacted ahead of the tour/adventure for organizing logistics. Normally the prices of services (for instance hotels, vehicles, fuel prices) vary between the peak and non-peak seasons and also increase every year. The new quotation will only be adjusted with the received payments (for the delayed tour) after subtracting the following:

  1. Expenses caused due to payments for advance bookings/reservations to hotels and opportunity cost of booked/reserved vehicles. Advance payments for most hotels & vehicles are non-refundable & non-transferrable (especially during peak-season).
  2. Service charges of up-to 10% on the total tour payment or up-to 20% on the received tour payment. A fair service charge is applied on cancellation based on the time and effort put into planning the tour and organizing the logistics, not to mention the opportunity cost of the tour planner. The service charge will not apply to payments received for domestic airfare/tickets.